
Cornerstone courses teach students how to solve complex, open-ended problems using critical thinking and workplace skills.

Students work in multidisciplinary teams to learn through doing, with emphasis on defining and diagnosing the problem through a holistic lens of technology, people, and environment. Students follow a user-centered design methodology throughout the process, seeking to deeply understand a problem from multiple perspectives and accept its ambiguities before attempting to solve it. Whenever possible, instruction in these subjects is “hands-on” and experimental, with the instructor serving as both mentor and lecturer.

Design Project Competition

In the Cornerstone classes (Design I and Design II), student teams design a solution to an open-ended problem over the course of an entire semester. Students practice the process of technical design as it is used in the workplace.  Teams must create a “works-like” prototype for under $100 that demonstrates a key aspect of their solution.

Every team must present their solution and working prototype during and in-class pitch competition. Design I final teams are evaluated by a panel of judges as they compete against each other for prizes. Design II teams present their final designs to their client and classmates. 

Recent design 1 Final Competion winners

WHY REcruiters Love Cornerstone

Over and over again, we hear from recruiters that the skills learned in Cornerstone are critical to them when looking to make new hires. But don’t take our word for it. Hear for yourself why Chevron loves Design (formerly EPICS).